Monday, 1 April 2013

Positive connections- no matter how brief


The children were getting restless during their visit during my second day in hospital. As tensions began to rise withvmy 2 year old squirting more antibacterial solution on the floor and 3 year old slamming another finger in the door. After months of feeling like i had a disability, I was used to sitting helpless  as the children melted down and my husband or big daughter would come to the rescue.  I suddenly realised my body was back and jumped into action.

The bath for D had just been made but D fell asleep. I asked midwife for extra towels and put 3 and 2 year old in the Shower. Hospitals are full of great resources for water play! sick bags, soecimen cups make brilliant water playthings! I was able to hand bub over to dad then sit and observe my darling babes play.  Not saying "No" and No pressure. A lovely play and a positive experience with mummy in a time
where they will experience a lot of change and conflictibg emotions .They were so happy. I even got one of O's heartfelt "I love you mummy" while I was drying him. Great too that their nightly shower was taken care of to give hubby a break. This was a great reminder to me that I will need to create moments like these for my other children and even for husband. (not water play for him though)

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